Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Ionised Water

Better Hydration

Better Hydration

Quickly absorbed by the body
  • Reduces Post-Workout Dehydration
  • Faster Recovery Post Injury
  • Reduces Muscle Fatigue
  • Improves Exercise Performance
  • Reduces Wrinkles and Skin Scaling
Better Immunity

Better Immunity

Enhances natural immunity
  • Helps to regulate Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Body Fats
  • Reduces acuteness of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Provides Resistance to developing Diabetes, Cancer, Arteriosclerosis and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Better Wellness

Better Wellness

Reduces lifestyle disorders
  • Slows Ageing Related issues
  • Supports Weight Management
  • Enhances Detoxification
  • Reduces Allergies
  • Improves Oral Health
  • Improves Energy Levels
Better Digestion

Better Digestion

Soothes the digestive tract
  • Reduces Acidity and Acid Reflux
  • Provides Relief in Indigestion, Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • Reduces Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Improves Exercise Performance
  • Cleanses and Clears the Colon

Alkaline Ionised Water is prepared through the process of electrolysis. This splits a few water molecules along with the dissolved solids to form hydrogen ions, oxygen molecules and mineral salts. The resultant substances are segregated to form Alkaline and Acidic water. The Alkaline portion is Alkaline Ionised Water.